Friday 23 February 2024

Comp 3 - Final Piece

 This post contains the final products of music video, digipak, and social media

Music Video

In the event that the video is unavailable on YouTube, here is a link to a google drive containing the video file.


Front Cover

Back Cover

Inside Left

Inside Right

Social Media

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Comp 3 - Critical Self Reflection

 This post contains my critical self reflection

Word count : 1013 words

This year, of the three options we were given, I decided to undertake the third option, which is music video. I feel that music videos interests me the most and the fact that we are not just making a music video, but also its supporting features like a digipak and social media page, will make this project more exciting. I decided to make a music video for The Weeknd’s RnB, Hip-Hop song, Out of Time. I believe this song perfectly reflects our teenage years, the fact that we barely have time until we develop into adults.

Having been in two major video projects before, we dived into this project thinking we knew what we were doing, and realising later that we were so wrong.  We made the rookie mistake of brainstorming and collecting many different ideas, but did not think of how it would be implemented in our music video. The fact that we had a long semester break did not help as we were all separated. However, we gathered together and decided that we wanted a music video that represents us, teenagers. They are mostly main casts in romantic media texts, and stereotypically shown as a heterosexual couple. We thought that we would conform to those stereotypes in making our music video. With the help of technology such as google and the AI software, ChatGPT, we gathered ideas for artist names, album names, etc, and compiled them on a shared google docs document. Looking back, I'm very glad we decided to utilise these technologies as it greatly improved our efficiency and saved plenty of time. Being the main director, I created a script and worked alongside the main storyboarder, Niki, in creating the storyboard. To relieve Niki of some work as he had other responsibilities, I took the initiative to help create the storyboard. Based on our previous experience in storyboarding, making a detailed one is not of utmost importance as we only need the general idea of the shot. However, since we now split split the storyboard task employing two people, we have more time to work on improving the storyboard to make it look better and thus easing our filming process. I gathered several of my good friends who are gifted in art to teach me and Niki several skills and techniques in making good sketches. I learnt that shading and adding perspective grids greatly help in making the shooting process smoother, faster, and easier (see figure 1). The locations we’ve picked have all been scouted and deemed suitable to film in. However, we ditched several locations in favour of others due to convenience, as some are too fart away, which would waste our time and energy. We contacted a friend who owns cameras and other equipments necessary such as tripods, gimbals, and lightbars, which will make the music video more professional and expands the possibilities we could do by, for example, having unique colours like the purple colour scheme we use throughout the music video which otherwise would not be possible without lightbars.

I was appointed early on as the video editor. Initially, I thought this would not be a problem as I have been editor for previous projects, however for this particular project, I was lacking many of the editing skills required. Despite having used the Premiere Pro software for years, Through the help of YouTube, I managed to self teach many editing skills (see figure 2 and 3). After every shooting, I made sure to gather the clips as soon as possible so I can at the very least paste the raw footage into the editing software I use, which will make editing a lot easier and smoother in the future. This serves multiple purposes, as I’ve learnt from previous experience, by allowing me to quickly identify missing clips that I need, which is crucial early on as to not waste time in the future. From the research of music videos of the same genre and similar style, I try to conform to the editing styles by implementing the same style of editing into this music video. This includes changing the colour of some scenes, making it darker; implementing blur effects to dramatise scenes; and many more. After every edit, I always export a version of it and show it to not only my fellow teammates, but also my friends to see if there are changes that should be made. This proved very useful as the current, better version of the music video looks nothing like the original, first version I made.

Social media is a very powerful tool to advertise your artist, and therefore we take it with utmost importance. By first identifying the artist’s personality and its audience demographics and psychographics, we were able to start planning what the posts will look like. Our artist has a softboy, indie look, therefore, in the posts, he is shown wearing baggy clothing and performing ‘cute’ activities like feeding fishes. Basing our social media posts on Richard Dyer’s five things that make artists appealing in his Theory of Fandom. We implement his ideas by making posts showing his ordinary side (him feeding fishes), his consumption side (at an expensive house on an expensive chair), and success. From our research, popular artists of the same genre tend to have very simple captions that may or may not have any correlation to the post, and we decided to implement the same caption ideas. To further promote our music video, we released a short trailer. To attract attention in the trailer, we made it especially suspenseful by adding a clock-ticking audio effect and the clips momentarily going black. This is done in hopes of keeping audiences engaged. Another way to keep audiences engaged is by adding a linktree containing links to other social media. Although no longer trending in this day and age, we still are making a digipak and decided to keep it simple, conforming to out artist’s soft image. It is equipped with a tracklist and QR code to allow audiences to access websites and other social media sites.


Figure 2. Learning how to make smoother speeding

Figure 3. Implementing the speed  up edit

Thursday 25 January 2024

Component 3 - Social Media Research and Development

 This blog contains the research and development of our social media page

We first 

✨✨✨✨✨✨DRAKE  💅 💅 💅 💅 💅

 ✨💅Drake’s 💅✨ IG account is very simple, is only has one highlight, and posts which don’t have much going on. I feel like Drake is a bit of an outlier, he posts whatever he wants, showing his everyday life. This is in contrast to what we had in mind of artists’ social media posts featuring things like tour dates. He does have them, just not as much as other artists, where their posts are almost strictly business related. It paints a picture of Drake as a laid back, chill, down to earth dude.

Justin Bieber

When we open his IG page, we notice that his profile picture is not of himself but of a doll. We could perhaps do this if we want our star to fit more of a soft-boy image. Near the top there are a lot of collaboration posts with ADIDAS and the NFL. We could perhaps replicate some sort of brand synergy with our artist to make it more realistic. He also humanises himself by posting himself with family and friends doing regular hobbies such as golf. I think it should be important to humanise our star as well as their character would be more relatable to the average person

His highlighted story was of his newest album. I think this is a good idea as the posts about the new album might be drowned out by other post about collaborations and other things. I think we should be able to do this for the tour dates as well.

Ariana Grande

One noticeable thing about Ariana is how she saves almost every single one of her stories as a highlight, which means that there is a lot of them. She announced her new album using a promotional teaser video which I think was unique. It will be a good idea for us to make but it would take a long time to make and I do not think that we have the time to do so. She sticks to very tame pastel-like colours unlike justin bieber, this makes her page seem a lot more neat in my opinion and we should stick to this.


Rita Ora’s IG has a more equal mix of business and personal content compared to daddy  ✨💅Drake’s 💅✨social media

Luis Fonsi

Luis Fonsi’s instagram, when it comes to promotional material, keeps a set colour scheme whereas the other posts about his life remain colourful. I think that this is the best combination possible as it would keep things looking professional while still humanising Luis Fonsi. I think we should take random pictures of our star doing mundane activities such as going to the market or hanging out with friends 

Component 3 - Digipak Research and Development

This blog highlights the research and development of our digipak. This post was made by Jason

Development started when Rania showed some pictures to me of what she wanted the digipak to look like.

I wasn't too big on the idea of the ocean background so I re-consulted our research to find something else.

Some album covers we looked at + an image of Andrew Tate

As Mr Nick was a graphics design major, I decided to do everything that might make him cringe at the cover. This includes a pure white background, unaligned text, different fonts, comic sans and a random stretched image. I chose Guy Fieri for now as I would want our star to do something similar to him as a pose in the image. 
Somehow, Rania liked the placement of the "Out of Time" with a different font (6th row) and so she tried to salvage my dumpster fire.
This was what she came up with

I was in particular intrigued by the design of Kanye's Life of Pablo cover (Row 4, Column 5). Especially by the unique graphic design choices which seemed off-putting. I decided to recreate something similar to it in canva.

I wasn't too much of a fan of it and I strongly preferred the first one she came up with. So instead we decided to switch the background to a color scheme to fit our music video. Rania had a photoshoot with our star and so we got this.

after our photoshoot it turned to this

Baron had the idea to add more of "Jun" to the digipak

Thursday 18 January 2024

Component 3 - Schedule


Filming Schedule

Schedule as of Friday 19 Jan




























20 BRZ 8pm

21 Camera scene





















































Sat, 20 Jan

Shooting Intro and outro. Location Serangan 

8 PM

Whole team, Cameraman, Car owner

Camera, lighting

Subaru BRZ

Sun, 21 Jan

Shooting differnet car scene

12 PM

Whole Team, Cameraman



Sat, 27 Jan

Record performance video in mertasari


Juna, Production crew



Comp 3 - Final Piece

 This post contains the final products of music video, digipak, and social media Music Video In the event that the video is unavailable on Y...