Thursday 27 July 2023

Documentary - Production


This blog post contains the filming process

First and foremost, to organise ourselves, we made a calendar to keep track of our work. This calendar proved to be very useful to remind ourselves on when to film, as we are also involving other people in our project, so our filming schedule had to be adjusted to their availability. If we were to miss a filming day, it would cause massive headaches and trouble for us.

Filming Schedule

Because none of us had any good camera and microphone, we recruited one of our friends, Gus Yudha, to help us with the recording. 

Behind the Scenes

The main issue we had during filming was finding a time when everyone could film. Despite being given lots of time to record, we could only find one or two days in a week where everyone were available. This meant we had to make use of our little time as efficiently as possible, recording everything and anything we could record. This proved to be a bad idea because the quality of the recording severely decreases when we rush everything, as we don't take as much retakes, or even perform a proper review of the clips we recorded. This resulted in us having to redo almost all of our scenes. This proved to be a major time waster as we had to make new arrangements with other people and delay the editing. However, we used this opportunity to fix mistakes we made and incorporate other new ideas to make better recordings.

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