Thursday 27 July 2023

Documentary - Post production

Our film was recorded by our good friend, Gus Yudha. Therefore, I had to extract the clips from his SD Card. Unfortunately, we encountered lots of issues in this transfer of files. First of all, we need to make sure that we had the time to meet each other. Even then, either one of us often forgets to bring the SD Card, or forgot to transfer some clips. This lead to us wasting huge amount of time just waiting to get the clips. In the future, we will dedicate more time to transfer clips, and be more organised by having a checklist to make sure every clip has been transfered.

After I have gotten all I needed, i started the editing process. The biggest issue we had, other than the missing clips, were background noise. From wind noises to people talking, the background noise was way too loud for any editing to fix, that we decided to retake around half of our clips. This was a major setback which resulted in me having to stall my editing process to wait for retaken clips. We are now more wary with where we film and will try not to rush the production process.

When I was compiling the clips together, I discovered that our film is way too long. Even after lots of cutting and removing clips, we were still over the five minute limit. We had to make the tough decision to abandon several clips that have been shot. This mistake was made because we did not follow the designated time per clip as stated on the storyboard.

5 minutes and 11 seconds, over the 5-minute limit

After much debate, we reached a compromise where instead of abandoning the interview scene, we would put clip of the interview through out the scene where we confront the patient.

To increase accessibility and ensure that everyone is able to watch the documentary, we thought that it would be bast to add subtitles.

Before we added music, the documentary felt dull and boring. According to our team's research and analysis on documentaries, background music should fit the feeling of a scene, for example, a sad scene should be accompanies with sad music. However, it should not be dramatic or too much as to steal the attention of audiences. Therefore we scoured the internet and compiled background music that are sad, dramatic, intense, and neutral.

We originally had a script for the first hook, but because we were already over the 5 minute maximum, we decided to scrap the plan in favour of a more simple black screen with the word MANNDEMIC. Again, this taught us to plan better in the storyboard, give proper times on each scenes and also follow the storyboard during filming.

Final edit

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