Thursday 27 July 2023

Documentary - Development

This blog contains ideas, storyboard, and script of the documentary.


Target Audience Profile (written by Niki B)

- Age: 16-20
- Gender: Male
- Location: Int
- Ethnicity: all
- Education: Mid

- Interests: Sports, Games, Women, Film
- Values: Center left/liberal
- Lifestyle: Incel, Rulebreaking, Active, Stoner, 
- Social Class: Middle - High                                                                                                                                                                    

Needs and Challenges:
- Lack of Game
- Can't talk to girls
- Never touches grass
- Constantly high

Media Consumption Habits:
- Watch on phone and computers
- Social media and streaming sites

Emotional Connection:
- Inspirational, Funny, 

Prior Knowledge:
- Toilet Humor
- No knowedge, just interest in people embarassing themselves.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:
- Subtitles
- We will ask the opinions of females because we don't have any in our group

Call to Action:
- Make the guys more confident in themselves in talking to girls and presenting themselves in the dating world
- Show success.

Possible Titles

- Manndemic
- Homo Erectus
- Man Down
- Coitus Evitus
- The Red Plague
- Humanity's End: Coitus Evitus

We chose Manndemic because it is a play on the word pandemic. We are portraying this disease as a widespread virus that has infected many men, therefore categorising it as a pandemic. Manndemic was changed to Mandemic (with one N) because we came to a realisation that double N does not make sense, considering the fact that Mandemic was a play on the word pandemic.

Possible Thumbnails

Thumbnail Sketch (sketched by Niki B (top) and Jason (bottom))

We decided to go for Niki's sketch on the bottom left. This decision was made because it perfectly captures a common stereotype of Conc people, such as being isolated, stuck to a monitor, in the dark. In the sketch, it shows a man starting at a television screen, in the dark, and alone, which conforms to the stereotypes.

Escape from the Comfort Zone
Bridging the Divide

The tagline that we chose, 'Escape from the Comfort Zone', perfectly summarises the mockumentary, where we force the Conc patient to face his fear of women and attempt to interact with them.

Glow effect, tagline, original MANNDEMIC with double N

Glow effect with tag line

Glitch effect


Plain with tag line


Final Thumbnail


(Storyboard created by Niki B with the help from our friend Ilna)

The storyboard has been revised numerous times as the script changes. Unfortunately, even with the help of the storyboard, we still had trouble in editing as we ended up with more clips that combined surpassed the five minute limit. This issue can be traced back to the lack of consideration for the duration per scene. We should treat the duration with extra attention and care next time to not waste any more time in filming.


(Majority of script written by Jason)

Scene One: Intro @ Park


 The Conc. Scientific name Bufo Ferulabitus


They are the unfortunate men with an absolute fear of interaction with the opposite gender.


whether it's because they are terminally online, or they simply lack the confidence to even approach them. 


 The root of the problem is a disease called Bufo Ferulabitus. Highly infectious and dangerous.


 We visit the nest of a known Bufo Ferulabitus patient

-narration ends-

Scene Two: The House

-In front of Steven’s House-


 Alright, now we are at the front of the nest of a Bufo Ferulabitus patient named Steven. We are going to enter and find out more about his disease.

-Damarius walks to the security guard-


 Clearance please

(Side midshot of Damrius showing clearance for crew and himself)

-cut to security explaining what to do-


 Remember that the Conc by direct contact is an incredibly infectious disease.

-undershot of security from between the crew members-


 If he takes any of you hostage, the SCP foundation will not negotiate the release of any of you, is that clear.

-cut noise, start foreboding music-

-slow jump cuts of us walking towards the door-

-music stops, door knob opens-

-phone camera POV shots of Damarius clearing the first few angles slowly heavy breathing-

-After clearing, POV shot of Damarius diving to behind the countertop-


 Ninja… Huaiyaaa

-cut to camera behind him recording him crawl + smash zoom-


 Ninjaaaa…. (synced with smash zoom)

-Rest of the crew start jumping as well-

-pov shot of Damarius looking for the patient-

-cut to camera behind him of him returning cover-


 I see the patient in his natural habitat, right where I expect him to be. We must creep up behind him slowly to avoid combat

-creepy music starts-

*cut to camera hiding behind countertop*

*POV shot of Damarius poking the patient with a stick*


 HISSSSSSSS (preferably like a snake) 

*smash zoom into patient*

Damarius(slightly worried)

 Its ok we have no women with us! Its ok! Its ok!


 *Hyperventilating from aggression*


 we're here to ask you a few questions are you alright with that?

*patient nods head*


 So when did you contract this disease?


 *Unintelligible murmuring*


 Could you repeat your answer?


 *Faster unintelligible murmuring*


 *Facepalms his face in disbelief* (stressed) the interview can’t go like this 

Damarius (in narration)

 I was in despair, I didn’t know what to do. And as if things could not get worse.

*accidently drops the microphone*


 Oh god what do we do now? *looks at crew* *Camera quick pans to crew* Can you guys pick that up? 

*Crew shakes head while saying no*

*Off camera steven picks up microphone, approaches Damarius, camera pans back to Damarius, Damarius jumps back*

Damarius (In total fear)

 AHHHH! IT'S GOT A WEAPON! QUICK PLAN B! (POV shot of crew or Damarius, Steven slowly approaching Damarius*

*Crew pulls out pictures of kpop idols and starts chanting gibberish, steven freaks out, camera continuously switches POV and main camera, Steven drops the microphone and hurdles in a corner, Damarius pulls the microphone back using stick while steven screams*



Scene Three: The Mother’s Interview

3 weeks later + Establishing shot of Damarius walking in the school

Damarius (emotional)

: Steven’s case is a very interesting one. If we can’t find answers from inside that house then we can find it from someplace elsewhere.

Damarius (emotional+tracking midshot)

 Right now we are at the school where Steven grew up to meet a very special woman.

*Shot of Ms Nana sitting down, blurred background*


 Steven was a very healthy boy, very interactive with everyone, incredibly extroverted. He was normal (stuttery), everyday he would play video games with the other boys, have laughs with them at the canteen, he was my second favourite child. (sobs)

Damarius (off camera)

 When did it all change?


 It was after the birthday party at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. He came home with an extreme fever and the next morning he just wasn’t my Steven anymore. At first I was celebrating, I didn’t have to feed his butt any more.


 I’m sorry, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria?



*insert vine boom here*

*Shots of freddy fazbear’s pizzeria*


 why was he there in the first place?


 It was Johnny’s birthday party, he went there. He was looking forward to the party for a long time.


 The other boys? Were they fine?  


They were.

-Montage of social media content slowly turning into incel-

Damarius (narration over montage) 

Indeed it was after the visit to Freddy Fazbear’s where Steven started showing the symptoms of the incel. As it was a holiday right after that, the infection was minimised as he started inadvertently isolating himself at home playing genshin impact. Over time his masculine behaviour started to deteriorate. (start clips of him starting to make cringe tik toks) His abnormal behaviour was closely watched by the SCP foundation who quickly closed down Freddy Fazbear’s

(Breaking fourth wall, in the office)


 With that in mind, we had to find out more, we are going to Freddy Fazbear’s

Throughout the duration of production, the script has been edited numerous times to fit the errors we made and complaints we received. We also had to abandon several parts as we would have had more than five minutes worth of clips. These issues can be combated by making better storyboards and being realistic in when coming up with ideas for the script, because having to change major parts of the script during production because of innapropriate content is a huge time waster.

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