Friday 16 September 2022

Storyboard - Critical self-reflection

 My product uses the convention of the consequence of having unprotected sex. This had been achieved by making the main idea a crying baby with a sad mother. It represents the group of people who are either misinformed or ignorant about contraceptives. In the advert, it is represented by the mother, who can be seen distressed and sad after having a baby, who in the advert was crying. It also touches on the issue of contraceptives being a taboo product which is still forbidden or discouraged by some religion.

The product is targeted towards the group of people who are ignorant regarding condom use. My advert engages with the audience by showing them the grim reality of not wearing condom during sex, which is the possibility of conceiving a baby. Based on the concept development I have made, the target audience is younger audience from the age range of 17-30, and people who are conservative, religious, and have a taboo view regarding sex in general. Therefore, my advert will be shown in regions where condom use is taboo, such as Indonesia. I have chosen this country because despite its wide availability, contraceptives are not widely used. I have also used the tagline ‘Better safe than sorry’ because I think it perfectly suits the younger population who enjoys doing wild, stupid, and dangerous actions, including unprotected sex. Essentially, I have attracted these target audiences by scaring them.

The advert would be displayed mainly online as it is the best way to attract younger audiences who are more likely to view online advertisements than offline advertisements such as billboards. It may also be hard to strike a deal with a billboard company to display a condom ad in Indonesia and some other countries.

By doing this project, my skills in identifying media language in adverts increased. My creative skills also increased as I had to come up with an original advertisement and also draw. I was very fortunate that I had a plan on the get go instead of having to waste time trying to come up with a main idea. This allowed me to spend more time on expanding my main idea and perfecting it.

In creating my storyboard, I did not use any technology as it was paper based, except the concept development. The software I used to create the concept development is google docs, and it saved me a lot of time because as opposed to writing on paper, I could paste clickable links and also edit my texts easier and more efficiently. Using a computer also helped me become more creative as it allows me to research more about other advertisements and implement the elements, codes, and media language that I find suits my theme. I first created a draft and early sketch on paper, which makes it a lot easier to edit and modify as opposed to doing it on a computer. I then identified my mistakes on the first sketch and perfected it on the second draft. This ensures that my final storyboard is the best it can be.

Monday 12 September 2022

Storyboard - Final product


Sketch and Final product (most right)

Movie Poster - Research


What I think

In my opinion this poster of IT is cool and simple. Basically only using 4 colors but still can give the creepy effect of the clown and everything. The yellow jacket kid pops out from the other dark colors maybe showing us that he or she is alone and scared.

What I think

I like this poster because the creepy girl smiling, the whole poster can give out a chunk of the movie by itself. Praying people in the background trying to save/cure the girl, her hands are also tied.

What I think
The best out of all examples from horror, this conjuring poster gives out the best horror vibe and tons of attention to details. For example, the suicide rope has no dead person on it but if you see the ground there is a shadow of the dead guy. Surrounding colors and weather is creepy and perfect.


What I think

I really like the mariposa poster because it uses animals such as the butterfly to indicate love, and butterflies are usually used in romantic movies and the butterfly sign to express their love and passion.

What I think
I like how the poster are made. It is simple, the simple what i meant is that, the coloring is natural color, not too crowded. 

What I think

I enjoy the simple design of the milea poster, it’s simple and easy to understand.The girl head laying on the the guys shoulder shows that she is in love.The font of the “milea” sign as well as the name of the actors and production is a romance style because it’s like feminime aesthetic.


What I think
I think the poster is good it has a level of mystery to it without having too little things on screen, which gives us a glimpse of what the movie might be about.

What I think
I think the poster is the perfect example of a mysterious and intense poster because it is a black backdrop with a shadow of a man in the middle. From the poster it is quite easy to tell what the movie might be about.

What I think

The poster might be harder for the average audience to decrypt and decode because it might seem very random and non sensical to the average viewer. Therefore, I think the poster needs to be a bit simpler so the general public may understand and get a glimpse or guess what the movie might be about.




Age 17+

Gender Male and female

Social class Middle-Upper class

Ethnicity/race      Any

Income                Middle-High

Location              City-High population

Political leanings Any

Star appeal         The actor + Story lore


Behaviour              Active Audience


Interests                Getting spooked

Spending habits    Any

Media Language

For the mis-en-scene firstly the set design will be quite similar with the conjuring, creepy big house in the background as well as a moody weather look. No actor will be shown in the poster, the house will look abandoned. Establishing shot of the whole house and the trees nearby.


My concept movie lore for Teen-Horror, a bunch of teenagers bought a house for unrealistically cheap price. They are planning to move and live there together but when they visit the place, it does not look like in the picture sale.


Final Product



Age     13 and up

Gender                       Male and female

Social class               Middle to high    

Ethnicity/race            Any

Income                       Middle class income

Location                    City:High population

Political leanings      Any

Star appeal                2 of our group member

Sub genre                 Contemporary romance



Values                     Open minded

Interests                  Feeling love 

Spending habits      Any

Media language

The mise-en-scene in our romance poster is gonna be similar like the mariposa poster, 2 people acting in love and normal costume.Butterfly picture concept and romantic font showing.


A 24 year old boy is being forced to be in an arrange married and be in the same house with the girl.


Final product



Age 16 and up

Gender Male and female

Social class Middle - upper class

Ethnicity/race Any

Income Middle class income

Location Areas with middle - upper class educated people

Political leanings Any

Star appeal The actor

Personality Any

Behaviour Active audience

Values Open minded, not conservative

Interests Watching movies

Spending habits Any

Media Language

The actors in the poster will be using normal costume because the location of the movie is in a middle class neighbourhood. The set would be mainly inside a house. 

Setting: the mid 20th century, around 1960s


A 16yr boy desperate for a job to fulfil his drug addiction met a middle-aged man who offered him one. Male teenager always feels weird around him as he makes unnecessary advances. Teenager was invited to work as a housekeeper in in exchange for a way way higher salary. Unbeknownst to him, he is a serial killer and rapist. Teenager tries to escape house.


Final Product

Comp 3 - Final Piece

 This post contains the final products of music video, digipak, and social media Music Video In the event that the video is unavailable on Y...