Monday 24 October 2022

Agenda Setting Media Gatekeepers


1. Negativity

‘Hard’ News - bad news will almost always be prioritised. 

2. Proximity

Things that happen close to home (domestic news) or that involve people from a local area.

3. Recency 

“Breaking News’

4. Currency

The ‘value’ of a story. If it is useful for people. 

5. Continuity

Stories that are likely to continue for a long time.

6. Simplicity

The easier the story is to understand, the better. 

7. Personality

Often ‘soft’ news surrounds personalities in whom the public has an interest eg. Royal family, celebrities, athletes

8. Uniqueness

If a story is unusual or surprising 

9. Expectedness

Includes diary events - things that happen at a particular time of the year. 

10. Elite nations/people

Western societies such as European countries and the USA will tend to dominate the news. 

11. Exclusivity

When a news channel has footage or information that is not yet in possession of others. 

12. Threshold

How many people are impacted on by an event.



Euronews is a euro-centric news organisation owned by euronews SA. As it specialises mainly in European news, the content contains mainly reports from Europe.

News 1: Rishi Sunak to become Britain's next prime minister

Proximity, recency, continuity, elite nations

The news about Rishi Sunak's ascension to become Britain's next prime minister relates to proximity as the UK is a European country and it can also be considered an elite nation. The timing of the news is also very recent, and considering the state of British politics for the last 3 months, the audience can expect that continuity will occur.


Detikcom is an Indonesian news organisation owned by Trans media. It specialises in Indonesian affairs.

News 1: Demokrat Yakin Capres-Cawapres Koalisi Perubahan Pilpres 2024

Proximity, continuity, recency

Because the news is from Indonesia and is covered by an Indonesian news outlet, it relates to proximity. It also relates to continuity and recency because the news is recent and is expected to continue until the election in 2024.

The Onion

The Onion is an American satirical news organisation that specialises in satire. 

News 1: 

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