Tuesday 31 January 2023

Media Regulations ASA - Advertisments


The ASA, Advertising Standards Authority, is the media regulatory body of the UK responsible for reviewing and regulating advertisements served in the UK. Their purpose is to make sure that advertisements are respectful, honest, and truthful. To ensure that they remain up to date with changing trends, they employ a group of people from every walks of life. They work together with other media regulating bodies, such as OFCOM.

One example of an ASA case is the complaint against Wild Cosmetics Ltd. The company produced an ad which featured sexual activities, and was careless in ensuring that the advertisement will only be viewed by appropriate audiences. A complaint was made against the company by a mother whose 10 year old child had viewed the advertisement before a Minecraft YouTube video. Wild Cosmetics claimed that the ad was targeted based on the activities of the user, specifically if they had consumed cosmetic and beauty related contents. The ad breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rule (Responsible advertising). In response, the ASA sent a warning to Wild Cosmetics to be more wary of who they show their ads to. 

Another example is a case against Kick Ash Vapes Ltd. The company produced an ad selling e-cigarettes on Facebook. They were accused of not having a license for selling nicotine 

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