Sunday 26 March 2023

Media Theories


TheoryTheoristDescription (100 words)Example (100 words)
Media ownership / regulationMedia ownership and regulation is how media is owned by companies and regulated. There are three stages that can be owned by a media company, they are production, distribution, and exhibition. The ownership of more than one of those stages by a company is called vertical integration. Media ownership has consequences on the audience and company. By owninng more than one stages, companies could save money and avoid the possibility of media censorship by the distributor and exhibitor. More flexibility and options are available. Companies Media is regulated by many governing bodies in each countries. It is requiered to ensure that the media consumed by the people are aligned with the government's ideology .Disney owns more than one
SynergySynergy is when a company collaborate with a media company to produce a product togather. There are many reasons to why synergy is done. It introduces a company to whole new audience, which would attract new fans and increase sales and earn more money than working alone. Collaboration could also boost one's popularity.In 2019, Blackpink and Samsung synergised to produce products such as smart phones, smartwatches, wireless earbuds, and more. This synergy benefited both parties as fans of Blackpink were interested in buying Samsung products, and Samsung fans were exposed to Blackpink music.
Cross Media ConvergenceCross media convergence is the act of presenting advertisements in different platforms
New Media
Two Step Flow
Technological ConvergenceTechnological convergence is the combination of different technologies into one device. Technological convergence is significant in media because it influences how audiences consume media.
Genre TheoryGenre theory states that media products must conform to a ganre by being similar but unique. Conforming to a genre is required to give audiences expectaions on what the media product would be, however, by being unique, audiences would be more attracted to it .
DesensitisationDesensitisation is when audiences are exposed to violence that they have gotten used to it and dont view it as something strange and scary.
Reception TheoryLevi StraussReception theory states that in every media product, there are three different ways that the audience could view it. The first way is preffered reading, which is when audiences understand something the way the producers had intended them to do so. The second is negotiated reading. In this reading, the audience will agree with some of what the producer is trying to tell us, however disagrees with others. The third one is oppositional reading. Audience completely rejects the meaning that the producers are trying to convey.
Cultivation TheoryGeorge Gerbner
5 Narrative CodesRoland BarthesThe 5 narrative codes are hermeneutic, proairetic, cultural, semantic, and symbolic. Hermeneutic code is when procuders intentionally leave out things from the movie to make mystery. By doing so, audiences would be more captivated and interested. Proairetic codes are actions that implies further action in the story, or plot points. Cultural code are . Semantic codes are . Symbolis codes are .
Binary OppositesLevi Strauss
Social LearningAlbert BanduraPeople imitate actions that they see on television.
Uses & GratificationBulmer n Katz
Uses and gratification tells us different reasons why people consume media. There are four reasons why, they are

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