Monday 7 August 2023

Alex Jones | US Law Section 230


Twitter bans Alex Jones (2018)

US Law Section 230 (1996)

A media platform is not held responsible for the publicly generated content on its site

Allows platforms to moderate content without losing their immunity 

In 2018, conservative radio host Alex Jones was permanently banned from Twitter for violating Twitter's abusive behaviour policy. Jones is well known for saying some mad stuff, including comments about 9/11, however, the turning point was when he made comments about the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting, claiming it was a giant hoax.

Twitter had been under fire for not having banned Alex Jones despite other platforms like YouTube. However, Twitter then made the decision hat Alex Jones's comments were against Twitter's abusive behaviour policy, which then permanently suspended Jones's account.

The removal of Alex Jones from the platform sends a message to other users of the platform, that Twitter has a zero tolerance policy for the spread of misinformation and other policies, and will take actions towards such offenders.

Twitter's decision to remove Alex Jones is an infringement of freedom of speech.

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