Monday 21 August 2023

Media Regulation Debate



1. Should media companies be in charge of regulating their own content, or should the government have a bigger role in this, and why?

Regulation from government should be minimal. Government should regulate information that causes harm to individuals, such as misinformation. Government should not censor "controversial" or taboo subjects.

2. How does government regulation affect what we see and hear in the media? Can too much regulation stifle creativity and free speech, or is it necessary for protecting the public?

Too much regulation is harmful because it limits creativity. It hinders innovation in ideas. Lack of exposure of different ideas can reinforce negative and harmful opinions on censored things.

3. Do social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter need more rules and oversight, or should they be left to regulate themselves? How might this impact our online experiences?

For the most part, they should be left to regulate themselves. Facebook and Twitter should have the ability to choose what 

4. Should schools teach students media literacy? How might this help us better navigate the media we consume, and is it the responsibility of educators or individuals themselves?

Media literacy is an essential knowledge that everyone should have in the digital age. By understanding media companies, and knowing why they do what they do would result iin 

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