Thursday 5 October 2023

Component 3 - Location Scouting

From the research we've done, we found that the times to record are morning, afternoon, and at night. The best locations that look good in those times is the beach. Therefore, we focused out location research on finding the best beaches to record in. Of course, the beach is not the only place we had in mind, so we also looked for cafes, malls, parks, and others to include. Because our idea of our music video will be romantic, we made sure that the locations we choose conform to the stereotypes of romance, such as time set during sunsets, lots of silhouettes of things like buildings and people, etc.

The google images are found by Jason 

We visited these locations and here are the results

Location 1: Sanur Beach

The four images were taken by Jason at Sanur beach

Sanur beach is a nice beach, however, there are several issues that we may encounter if we were to record here. Firstly, some segments of the beach contains construction sites of sidewalks and neighbouring buildings, which would not be great to include in the music video. Therefore, we are limited to which sections of the beach we can record at. Secondly, we are still in rainy season. Although it does not rain as often than it did months ago, the cloudy weather may interfere with the lighting of the camera. Thirdly, the beach gets crowded at certain times of the day, usually in the morning and in the afternoon. This means we can only record at noon or night, forcing us to record on weekends.

Pantai Sanur

Purpose of the shoot:

We want to create some extra footage that we can crosscut with the performance video and record some additional performance clips here

Media Language:

Sunset, empty beach, bare feet in the sand, urban costume (not beachwear)

Pros of Location: 

Very near, looks very good, cheap parking, relatively safe, easy access for equipment, many spots to choose from

Cons of Location

Could be crowded, some spots are a bit dirty, there is construction ongoing, weather is questionable early in the year

Alternative location: 

Mertasari Beach, Kuta Beach


Potential Hazards

Tsunami, Earthquake, Rain

Evaluate Risks

Big earthquakes are quite unlikely given that they occur about once every 100 years, we can ignore earthquakes and tsunamis because of that. The only possibility is rain. Little rain came in during the rainy season which may mean extreme weather conditions coming up

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

  • Prepare a place to runaway to in the case of a Tsunami (probably Gemi’s house)

  • Prepare extra rain coats to cover electronics in the event that it rains suddenly.

  • Plan our recording day based on the weather forecast

  • Go on weekdays, forget weekends


  • Mertasari Beach

  • Kuta Beach

Location 2: Level 21 Mall indoor

If we were to use a mall, Level 21 would be one of the best options to choose from. It is in Renon and only approximately ten minutes from school, which would save us a lot of time. Our main focus in this mall in particular is the arcade, due to the fact that its neither crowded nor empty, making it a perfect place to record in. It has a bowling alley which is a huge plus as not every arcade has one, and our research has told us that bowling alleys are pretty romantic and is often used not only in romantic music videos, but also movies and films.

Location 3: Road between Level 21 Mall building and parking lot

This road is very unique as it houses tons of small shops, cafes, and restaurants, which features bright neon lights (not all), illuminating the street at night, giving a futuristic and romantic atmosphere. It also has an equal, if not more, amount of pedestrians than motor vehicles, which would make it easy for us to record at. Its directly next to the mall in location 3, saving us huge amounts of time which we would otherwise would have wasted sitting in traffic.

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:


Media Language:

Outdoors, brightly lit at night, lots of pedestrians

Pros of Location: 

Has tons of shops and cafes, so we can also shoot inside stores.

Cons of Location

Quite crowded, although we want it to be that way we could also be obstructing traffic and disturbing pedestrians

Alternative location: 


Potential Hazards

Getting hit by a car or bike.

Evaluate Risks

Not super dangerous, vehicles stop for pedestrians in this street

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Be wary of surroundings, have someone help block the way when recording.

Location 4: Pantai Mertasari

This is by far the best location we have scouted so far and will 100% use. Not only is it a beach, but it also has a river, a lake, and a park literally right next to each other. The beach and its surrounding areas are very empty and very rarely populated, other than some times in the afternoon. This gives us way more freedom and opens the door to more possibilities that we otherwise would not have and won't be able to do in a crowded area. The road leading to the beach's huge parking lot (almost always empty) is pretty clean, well paved, well lit, and covered by trees and shrubs on the side, and is empty 99% of the time. This means if we were to involve vehicles, this will definitely be the place to record.

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

When the characters are spending time together 

Media Language:

Sunset, dark but not too dark, silhouettes, calm waters, not crowded

Pros of Location: 

Its empty most of the time, has other natural features like lake, river, and a park next to it so we can shoot other things as well,

Cons of Location

Not super far but not that close to where we all live. Farthest location from the school so far.

Alternative location: 

Pantai Sanur


Potential Hazards

  • There are some ditches that are hard to spot at night because it is not well lit.

  • Rain

Evaluate Risks

Pretty dangerous, if anyone were to fall they may get injured.

Rain will ruin the video

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Make sure to be aware of the surroundings before shooting, light the dangerous parts with a torch

Location 5: Living World Mall


I think we need to discuss more about different locations because so far the locations we have are beaches, and it would be best if our locations are more diverse. We also need to have a plan for when the weather or other factors force us to ditch our original location. We should be realistic with the locations because it would not be ideal to travel very far while carrying camera equipment and a bunch of people only to record a short scene.

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