Wednesday 16 November 2022

Radio - Diary


Week 1

This week, we reviewed target audience, which would be helpful for our radio project that we started on Friday. My radio team consisted of me, Gemi, Elang, and Baskara, So far, we've only completed the radio survey which will help us decide what radio we will be producing. 

Week 2

This week, we discussed about stereotypes, and reviewed about various theories in media studies. We also continued the radio project.

Week 3

We learned Levi Strauss' binary opposite theory and Roland Barthes' 5  narrative tbicodes theory. Our radio group started making jingles. We explored different ways of making one, from looking for free websites, to watching youtube tutorials, however, to no avail. So we then resorted to making our own jingle from scratch using the website Soundtrap.

Week 5

This week we started recording the radio. Because we couldn't get our guest to speak to us face to face, we decided to interview him over Discord. This Friday, we started researching for a logo. We will also start recording the rest of the radio after lunch.

Week 6

This week I started designing the logo.

Week 7

This week, we worked on the critical self reflection, however, I wasn't done with the logo so I decided to delay my critical self reflection to focus on the logo first.

Week 8

This week is the last week to work on the blog, as Friday is the due date for the radio. Fortunately, we were done since last week so we weren't in a rush. The final results are compiled into one blog post and aside from that, we also improved our blogs.

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