Sunday 20 November 2022

Radio - Radio Room Tutorial Summary


After listening to the audio teacher's brief explanation about audio for podcasts and radio, we learnt a few valuable information needed to record audio for our radio.

There are two types of microphones, but the one used for radio/podcast is the dynamic microphone. Dynamic microphones are best used in podcasts and radios as it does not pick up background sound. The microphone has to be attached via cable with a sound interface, which itself will be connected to your device. If we wish to record our radio in the school's radio room, we will use those equipments. However, if we decided to record elsewhere, we will resort to using our phones to record. The audio teacher showed us a technique of recording audio using our phones, which is to use one phone as a microphone, and another as a camera. In the end, the audio and video will be edited, where the audio from the mic phone is overlayed and synced on the video. This is done to ensure that the quality of the audio is great as using the same phone to record audio and video results in a poor quality audio. Of course, we wouldn't be recording a video so a second phone acting as video recorder would not be needed.

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